Uniforms of Young Peacemakers

Team of Central district of Moscow
Uniforms of Soviet Military Observers
of the United Nations
(Uniforms of Dutch Lt-Col)


"Polundra" Club

Yuri Luzhkov and club of school # 318
Peacemaker in a broad sence is a
peaceful person. Typical features of a peacemaker
are altruism, tolenance, charity.
Professional UN peacemaker
is a civilian or a militaryman serving with UN peacekeeping Operation.
Note: for young peacemakers of other countries their national flag and flag of UN
Rituals of the Simulation Game "Model of UN Peacekeeping" are the following: |
Raising national flag and flag of the UN at the ceremony
of opening the final game of the season, international
and national holidays, summer camp and sporting competitions;
Lining up ceremonies on the occasions of memorial
national and international dates, awarding with medals
and honorable badge "Young Peacemaker", etc.;
Ceremonial enlistment of scholars into clubs of young
During performance of rituals young
peacemakers wear blue beret (cap) with emblem of the
simulation game, honorable badge "Young Peacemaker"
and blue scarf on the neck.
| Exam Book
| Code of Honor
| Hymn
| Club Law
| Club Program |